Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Well...It's Been a While...For Sure!!

2 years!!  Man!!  I have no excuse, except I let it go.  I never met my 25 pounds lost by 25th birthday.   Now is the time for a new goal.  I am now 27 and my 10 year High School Reunion is coming up in June.  When school got out in June, I realized I had let my weight get WAY out of control (273 pounds).  I started working the weekend of my 27th Birthday.  I am now down to 258.

So now I have a new goal.  I would like to loose 8-10 pounds a month.  I am setting "milestones" to help me get there.  First milestone is Christmas.

Starting Weight: 258
Milestone Goal: Christmas (240-235)

Also, I have a new blog documenting my journey as a teacher of two grades at the same time.  Check it out: A Tale of Two Grades

Shannon Elizabeth Hoff