Saturday, December 12, 2009

End of Week 2

I started off the week cooking food to eat for dinner so that when I get home from school, all I have to do is pop it in the microwave and re-heat it.  I also made sure I was up early enough to eat a bowl of cereal, eat a banana, and drink a glass of milk.  I found that doing this allowed me to be more alert every day, and I was in my classroom by 7am at the latest.  I was more awake when my class got to me and I didn't feel rushed in the morning.

The dinner idea fell through big time.  I had an extremely rough week and I really realized that I am an emotional eater.  By the time I would get out of school, I would want comfort food, not food that was in my refrigerator, so I stopped and got fast food three times this week and then ate pasta the rest of the week. Totally not on my diet.  I also did not exercise this week.

So for my weigh in, I am still at 253, like last week.  I did accomplish eating breakfast everyday and eating a healthy lunch at school.  I just need to continue that goal through the evening.  

With Christmas break less than a week away, I am hoping for it to improve.  So my goal for Week 3 is to eat dinner at home.  Dinner that I make.  Thanks for all the encouragement.  It is helping, I promise!!!  Here's to 13 Days until Christmas!!!


  1. It's hard to stick to a diet when you're stressed out. I found an exercise program that I loved to do to help me. Until I started teaching Title I after school, I was doing really good. I could really tell a difference just by looking in the mirror. My suggestion is find one that you love to do too. I was doing Zumba. I love to dance.

    Keep it up and you'll reach your goal before you know it.

  2. Don't let a bad week set you back. It's good that you're focusing on everything you did right.

    Try preparing low-cal, healthy versions of comfort foods/fast foods as a sort of transition into healthier eating: baked french "fries," cheeseburgers sans mayo (cutting out condiments drastically reduces calories), tacos without cheese, you get the idea...

    Don't freak out about pasta (unless you drenched it in alfredo all week). The aftermath of the Atkins trend is that people are still afraid of carbs. Remember, carbs are supposed to make up the bulk of your diet (around 2/3 of your calories should come from carbs). Just make sure those carbs are whole grains, fruits and veggies. I eat tons of carbs (it happens when you're Vegan :-P). Sometimes 70% of my calories are carbs, but I'm maintaining my weight. Cutting CALORIES is what leads to weight loss.
